06 April 2008


Where do I go from here? Am I ready for the rest of my life. Simply, No. I just want to live in the now, I want the now to have someone else here that isn't here. I want things to be simple. I want a simple life. I could be a blogger and own a comic shop. That way I could use the degree I want to get, and have the shop I want to be a part of. Turkish Comics. I think the name is nice. And my darling dog could be the mascot. It would be extra super fun stuff. I want things to be easy. I don't want to cause pain to anyone. I want a simple existence. Uncomplicated by pains and heartache. Alas I shall never have that simple life I shall live a life that is far too complex. I shall revel in it. I will live my life to the extent that I am able.