06 December 2006

The Beginning

Letssee, I live in the Montanaland now, I'm from Oklahoma. I'm a film student turned polisci major. A sophomore in college, and I have a dog and a cat. Turkish and Dr. Girlfriend respectively. I'm slowly weening myself off of the World of Warcraft, and I work in a movie theater. That's the short of it.

I made this blog thing mostly for my own chronology, and everybody's doing it... I don't like blogs per-say, but I enjoy writing, and I figure I can get used to other people, maybe..., reading what I write and learning to enjoy other people's critiques. I occasionally write for langamereviews.com and I like to write rather random short stories, occasionally.

As a former film major I'm, captain obvious here, a film nerd. My favorite genre is the Zombie flesh tearing style. Films that make you think, and push the figurative envelope are great, but for me, as well as historically, films are an entertainment medium. Yes, they have artistic value, but their main purpose is to entertain. A movie can be very groundbreaking with new techniques, but if no one can stomach it then it is a waste of time.

I rescued my dog, he's a lab mix with one blue eye and one brown eye. I would say he's black and grey, but that wasn't acceptable for my vet who determined Turk is a mink, sable colour. Wonderful yes? YES! My cat was rescued as well. He's orange and white, and super affectionate.

Man hooray for ramblings. I blame the coffee and the fruit pebbles. Double cinnamon cappuccino extra dry. Mmmm yea. The bozone doesn't have a starbucks but they have a multitude of other independently owned coffee places, which don't over roast their beans! Yea! Nor unfortunately does the tanaland have an electronics store, which is sort of a pain in the ass when you are trying to find a digital camera, or a cable for a computer. But that's what my dear friend the interweb is for ya? YEA!

I play video games, not as many as I used to, or as big a variety... World of Warcraft took up most of my gaming time, but now I am branching out again. I need to revamp my pc so I can start playing fps-es again. Cause damn it they are so much more fun that MMO's... and I love console games, last new years I played MarioKart DoubleDash, and Mario Party for like 15 hours. It was dorky, it was fun as hell. Sure there was no drinking, or pot, but damnit it was fun as hell.

Mmmmm. It's gonna be a very Wii Xmas this year, or 360. Either one fuck yes. So pumped to go home, for the xmas amazing extravaganza of not sleeping, video games, and boozaholing. Hooray


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