09 December 2006

Casino Royale, Vesper you skank...

Last night I saw Casino Royale for the first time... it was fucking amazing! Daniel Craig and Sean Connery are soo tied for best bond in my book. But I had one problem with the movie. M says that Vesper was being blackmailed because her boyfriend had been kidnapped so she would cooperate... Buut did he die? Or was she just like screw the guy I am "very much in love with", I like the secret agent better. Cause well I dunno, I heard M say that and I was like hold up! So she just said fuck you to the kidnapped guy, well then why did she go through with the plan? Cause she loved this guy? Wait... okay I guess I can see not wanting him to die, but that's a whole lot of betrayal. I dunno that just threw me off. She loves this other guy, and she is betraying Bond for him, but then she falls for Bond so she betrays the boyfriend that is getting his shit rocked so she will do as they say... Eh... who knows right?

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